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NGT Asks for Report on Tree Survival Rate for the Dwarka Expressway Transplanting

Posted by Deal Realtors on September 3, 2019

The Principal Chief Conservator of Forests (PCCF), Delhi has been asked by the Primary Bench of National Green Tribunal (NGT) to present a factual report assessing the survival rate of trees that have been chosen for transplantation in lieu of Dwarka Expressway Package-2. They have been given a months’ time to send the report by email to NGT in SPCHETNA v GNCT of Delhi & others. Dwarka expressway is a 29 km long project which will connect Delhi and Gurugram. 10.1 km length of the expressway is in Delhi while 18.9 km is in Gurugram.

SPCHETNA (Society For Protection Of Culture, Heritage, Environment, Traditions & Promotion Of National Awareness) a Delhi-based NGO had previously filed a complaint that Delhi Government agreed to fell 3000 trees and transplant 3500 trees without demonstrating where they would do so and whether they had the expertise to effectively carry out the compensatory afforestation. They also failed to disclose the land where the proposed transplanting would take place. NGT Chairperson Justice Adarsh Kumar Goel, along with Justice S.P. Wangdi and Dr. Nagin Nanda has taken the responsibility of hearing the petition filed by the NGO.

As per the NGO’s petition, adequate soil quality study and water table levels have not been assessed for the transplantation of 3500 trees. There seems to be a lack of knowledge and experience among the respondents who have been tasked with this mission. Considering the alarming rate at which the water table is drying up, felling of trees would add up to the misery. As per the NITI Aayog report, the capital city could dry up by 2021. Since the cutting of trees without proper attention being paid to transplantation could do irreparable damage to the environment, the NGO has challenged the decision.

An Audit Report (2018) submitted by the Comptroller and Auditor General of India has also been quoted by SP-CHETNA that highlights gross negligence on the part of many authorities on this issue. This has brought a temporary halt to the NHAI’s plan of Dwarka Expressway construction till the preparedness for transplantation of trees can be resolved.

The NGO has provided a list of 26 building projects being constructed along the proposed expressway, even before work had started. It can be assumed from these advertisements that road widening would be different than what is proposed, without any consequence it would have on the environment. This is going to increase the pollution levels. Apart from the Delhi Government, the NGO also has named Principal Chief Conservator of Forests, National Highway Authority of India, Ministry of Road Transport and Highways, Delhi Development Authority, Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change, Central Pollution Control Board, and the Lieutenant Governor of Delhi as Respondents.

The matter will be considered further on 6th November 2019.

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